Monday, March 1, 2010

Some orbs ARE indeed energy

There is a lot of controversy out there surrounding the subject of orbs. While some believe that orbs are spiritual in nature most serious paranormal investigators are certain that orbs are nothing more than dust, pollen, or water particles that are being reflected off of the light being emitted from a camera's flash.

I've done a lot of experimentation with orb photography and although I'm still not sure exactly what the phenomenon is all about, I am certain of one thing, many orbs CAN be explained away as dust, pollen or water...but not all.

There have been times where I have experienced what can only be described as a kind of intelligent communication with some orbs. Before you write me off as crazy, I'm not the only one to have had these experiences. Just check out "orbs" on Google or YouTube and you can find many stories of others having similar experiences. For the most part (there's always going to be exceptions), these are sane, grounded, normal people. I have friends who have had the same kind of experiences so either we're all delusional or there's something really happening here.

In future blogs I'll be posting pictures that show what appears to be evidence of this intelligent communication with orbs but for now I want to present my evidence that at least some orbs are energetic in nature.

Look at the picture you see posted here. The orange/red orbs that you see in the picture are NOT dust, pollen, or water. They are orbs of energy. I had taken several pictures before this one and was getting nothing at all. Out of boredom I placed my hand over the flash of the camera and then took a picture. This picture is the result (I took several others the same way with the same result).

As you can see there's a lot of orbs there. Big orbs. Most of them appear at the top of the picture, the same place where the flash of the camera was located. It appears that these orbs are the energy that was created and emitted when the camera flash discharged. The orbs are large because they are very close to the shutter and lens of the camera.

Of course, this doesn't prove that orbs are spiritual, just that some of the orbs we capture in our pictures may indeed be energetic in make up. However, this might bring us one step closer to discovering the truth behind these mysterious orbs. If some orbs are energy based, as clearly some are, then perhaps maybe, just maybe some of those orbs that keep showing up in your pictures truly are spiritual energy.


Nance said...

Linda, to really analyst if these are orbs, take pictures with two different cameras at the same time and see if you get the same results... (P.S. make sure the lens are clean :))

Unknown said...

if you want to rule out dust,to people who do not believe in orbs,go to my channel and view my videos on energy entites and orbs 100%, real go to have 13 videos on ufos and orbsthe joe hanson channel on you tube dashboard i have 13 videos on orbs and ufo related things.